I fell in love with photography in 1996 on an epic road trip with 2 friends traveling 9,750 miles from north Alabama to Wasilla, Alaska. The wildlife, landscape, people and places grabbed me and wouldn’t let go!
I purchased my first point-and-shoot for that trip. It had sufficient functionality to keep me happy, but simplicity enough to help me get some fun shots.
I never put a camera down after that. I’ve upgraded my technology and skill level, but at the heart is still a love for capturing the beauty of creation and the special moments with our family, friends and complete strangers that we don’t want to let go.
I also like to write about the magic moments behind the viewfinder. That’s what you’ll in my Photo Stories page.
Some people like to buy my photography. Of course, that makes me happy and helps pay the bills. If you would like to purchase a framed print for the wall or a downloadable copy for a website or graphic design project, head on over to my Adobe Portfolio and then contact me directly for a price.
Here are a few examples…
Hope you ENJOY!