woman with an issue of blood

The Woman With an Issue of Blood

by Kevin E Beasley,
crisis of faith

Coincidence as Evidence: an Observation on Faith

by Kevin E Beasley,
joseph son of jacob old testament

The Dreamer Finds His Way

by Kevin E Beasley,

King David’s Lament

by Kevin E Beasley,
justification - stories of faith


by Kevin E Beasley,

Breathless at the South Rim

It takes a big God to carve out big canyons! Standing on the brink of the south rim was a moment I felt so small and powerless. It’s in the moments of being humbled by something so much bigger than yourself that you are confronted with the reality that you are totally dependent on a Creator who you can’t control! Read More Here…

A Letter to My Youngest Daughter on Day 1

Hello Sweet Elizabeth, Today is the first day of your life. This dark, drab room littered with medical equipment, tubes and bio-hazard bins is an unfortunate place to start your life full of adventure and hope.  Beeping sounds instead of birds singin.  Monitors keeping an electronic eye on vital signs instead of mountains rising high to shout the glory of Read More Here…

Oklahoma Catfish Noodling Glossary of Terms

Noodling Catfish! Wow. I had no idea how much adrenaline would be pumping when I went hand-fishing with Marion Kincaid and the crew from the Swamp Donkey Noodling Team in Oklahoma. If you get a chance, I’d highly recommend taking a trip to hang out with these guys for a weekend on a muddy lake having a true bucket-list adventure Read More Here…

Baby Steps to Effortless Joy

This is a shot of my oldest boy at a birthday party about 13 years ago. It was taken in the backyard of our first home. It was a small cottage just big enough for our then average size family. We were young. I had a good job. Our children were mostly healthy and we had nothing much to worry Read More Here…

Road to Somewhere

You have probably heard about the controversial “bridge to nowhere” proposed to lead from Ketchikan, Alaska to Gravina Island. It became a national embarrassment and symbol of wasteful government spending on political pet projects in the early 2010’s Another famous bridge to nowhere exists in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California. Construction started in 1936. In 1938 a massive Read More Here…

Lonely Traveler

I was on a film shoot for my job earlier this year in Valdez, Alaska. It was late in the day and we’d finished our work, so I took off with a couple photographers from our crew to find some fun places to explore. I started down a trail of snow and ice just alongside a frozen lake. The trail Read More Here…

Charging Bulls

I was on a film shoot with the Groove Life adventure team riding bulls at TZ Ranch in Larkspur, Colorado when I shot this image. I am reminded of the Romans 1:8: 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are Read More Here…

Blazing Red Maple

One of the things I miss most about our old home is this ridiculously large and vibrantly colored Japanese Maple tree. Oh, and the swing that hung from its branches. So many memories were made around this tree. It was a gift to our family for so many years. I’m glad the swing now hangs in our living room in Read More Here…

Coincidence as Evidence: an Observation on Faith

“Do you have an apartment that you rent out on your ranch?” I asked at the end of a fifteen minute phone call – our fourth in six weeks talking about our upcoming trip to Colorado. He answered slowly as he processed the question, “Why do you ask?” That started a conversation I’ll remember for quite some time. One Answer Read More Here…

Moving Day: Part 2

This story is a reverse perspective follow-up from Moving Day Part 1. Read Part 1 Here. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw him peering out the window as everything he knew grew smaller with each passing street lamp. That was six hours ago. I wonder if he’s seeing what lies ahead. It’s been a quiet ride. Every twenty Read More Here…