Baby Steps to Effortless Joy

This is a shot of my oldest boy at a birthday party about 13 years ago. It was taken in the backyard of our first home. It was a small cottage just big enough for our then average size family. We were young. I had a good job. Our children were mostly healthy and we had nothing much to worry Read More Here…

Road to Somewhere

You have probably heard about the controversial “bridge to nowhere” proposed to lead from Ketchikan, Alaska to Gravina Island. It became a national embarrassment and symbol of wasteful government spending on political pet projects in the early 2010’s Another famous bridge to nowhere exists in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California. Construction started in 1936. In 1938 a massive Read More Here…

Coincidence as Evidence: an Observation on Faith

“Do you have an apartment that you rent out on your ranch?” I asked at the end of a fifteen minute phone call – our fourth in six weeks talking about our upcoming trip to Colorado. He answered slowly as he processed the question, “Why do you ask?” That started a conversation I’ll remember for quite some time. One Answer Read More Here…

Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Hope

God doesn’t have to be good to anybody. He doesn’t owe us the breath we breathe. I figure if God has given us salvation, that’s way more than we deserve, and I won’t judge Him for not giving me something else. –Rich Mullins I awoke grumpy on Saturday. I was worried about too much and too little. I should worry Read More Here…